================================================================ CustardPy ================================================================ **CustardPy** is a 3D genome analysis tool written in Python3 and available using the `Docker system `_. It is mainly designed for multi-sample Hi-C analysis (e.g., comparison of depletion effects across multiple proteins) and provides various functions for analysis and visualization. Since the docker image includes various existing tools in addition to the core **CustardPy** component (see :doc:`./content/Install`), users can perform a variety of 3D genome analyses without having to install them individually. - **Major Release! (version 1)** - Unified the Docker images for `CustardPy `_ and `CustardPy_Juicer `_. Version 1 of the `CustardPy `_ docker image now supports all analyses previously offered by CustardPy and CustardPy_Juicer, rendering the latter unnecessary. .. figure:: CustardPy.jpg :width: 800px :align: center :alt: Alternate The workflow of CustardPy for a single sample (A), two samples (B) and multiple sample comparison (C). Contents: --------------- .. toctree:: :numbered: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 content/Install content/QuickStart content/StepbyStep content/Visualization content/DEGanalysis content/Multisample content/3DChromatin_ReplicateQC content/3dmodel content/Command content/CustardPy_API Citation: -------------- * Nakato R, Sakata T, Wang J, Nagai LAE, Nagaoka Y, Oba GM, Bando M, Shirahige K, Context-dependent perturbations in chromatin folding and the transcriptome by cohesin and related factors, *Nature Communications*, 2023. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41316-4