Analysis across multiple samples ========================================= custardpy_clustering_boundary ------------------------------------------------- ``custardpy_clustering_boundary`` takes the insulation level from multiple Hi-C samples (one control and multiple depletions) and categorizes TAD boundaries according to the similarity in the pattern of insulation level perturbations across the depletion samples. It is noted that the clustering is based on the perturbations in insulation (that is, the difference from the control sample) and not on the insulation level itself. The function uses the following input data: - TAD boundary file (``--boundary``, BED format) - A genome_table file (``--gt``) - Hi-C sample directory created by ``custardpy_juicer`` command (where the first sample serves as the control) .. code-block:: bash custardpy_clustering_boundary [-h] [--type TYPE] [--boundary BOUNDARY] [--gt GT] [-r RESOLUTION] [--ncluster NCLUSTER] [--odir ODIR] [input [input ...]] positional arguments: input :