Installation ================ CustardPy Docker image --------------------------------- .. note:: From version 1, the `CustardPy `_ docker image supports all analyses previously offered by CustardPy and `CustardPy_Juicer `_ images, rendering the latter unnecessary. Docker image of **CustardPy** is available at `DockerHub `_. This image contains various tools for Hi-C/Micro-C analysis in addition to **CustardPy** core components as below: - Mapping - `BWA `_ v0.7.17 - `Bowtie2 `_ v2.4.5 - `chromap `_ v0.2.6 - Hi-C/Micro-C analysis - `Juicer `_ v1.6 - `Juicertools `_ v2.13.07 - `JuiceBox `_ v2.13.07 - `Cooler `_ v0.9.1 - `cooltools `_ v0.5.4 - `Pairtools `_ v1.0.2 - ` `_ v1.0.0 - `HiCExplorer `_ v3.5.1 - `HOMER `_ - `FAN-C `_ v0.9.25 - `HiC-Pro `_ v3.1.0 - `HiCUP `_ v0.9.2 - `HiC1Dmetrics `_ v0.2.9 - `CALDER2 `_ v2.0 - Loop calling - `FitHiC `_ v2.0.7 - `CHiCAGO `_ v1.19.0 - Stripe analysis - `STRIPENN `_ v1.1.65.18 - Chromatin hub analysis - `FIREcaller `_ v1.42 - Sample comparison - `GENOVA `_ v1.0.1 - `CHESS `_ v0.3.7 - 3D/4D modeling - `PASTIS `_ v0.4.0 - `PHi-C2 `_ v2.0.10 - Quality check - `3DChromatin_ReplicateQC `_ v1.0.1 - `MultiQC `_ v - Hi-ChIP - `FitHiChIP `_ v11.0 - ChIA-PET - `Mango `_ - `ChIAPop `_ - Genome analysis - `MACS2 `_ v2.2.9.1 - File processing - `SAMtools `_ v1.19.2 - `BEDtools `_ v2.31.0 - Utility tools - `SRAtoolkit `_ v3.0.10 - `genomepy `_ v0.16.1 For a full description of each tool, visit the original website. RUN ++++++++++++++ For Docker: .. code-block:: bash # pull docker image docker pull rnakato/custardpy # container login docker run [--gpus all] --rm -it rnakato/custardpy /bin/bash # execute a command docker run [--gpus all] --rm -it rnakato/custardpy For Singularity: .. code-block:: bash # build image singularity build custardpy.sif docker://rnakato/custardpy # execute a command singularity exec [--nv] custardpy.sif .. note:: ``--gpus all`` for Docker and ``--nv`` option for Singularity allow using GPU. This option is needed only when calling loops by HiCCUPS. CustardPy from PyPI --------------------------------- Core components of **CustardPy** (e.g., commands for visualization) can by installed using pip (>= Python 3.7): .. code-block:: bash pip3 install custardpy